A few weeks ago, my gmail address was submitted to several 1000s of online newsletters. This resulted in 1000s of spam emails being sent to me. At one stage I was getting about 600 an hour. This is not really a train smash as Gmail usually filters these out and sends them straight to junk. The problem, though, is that quite a few emails I receive from residents and businesses are also placed in the Junk Folder. I used to be able to fish them out by going through the folder. But since the above attack, I cannot do this anymore and have to delete everything in there sight unseen. If I haven’t replied to you in the past month or so, this is probably what happened. This is what I suggest you do when you send me an email in future: 1) Please include a short and to the point subject line; 2) Don’t cc the World; 3) Don’t attach loads of docs and huge photos or videos; 4) Don’t say please see the email trail below; 5) Don’t send a War and Peace treatise; 6) If I haven’t replied in a week or 2, then resend it and let me know via What’s Ap or an SMS that you sent an email from XYZ address about ABC topic; 7) Concisely summarise the problem at the top – something like this is good.. (delete what you don’t need). Name Cell Email Address Address/Location of problem Ref # Date logged (for billing probs) Acct # Service cut off Problem (keep it SHORT) What have you done to try and resolve the problem (keep it SHORT)
Integrated Development Plan (IDP) Meeting for Ward 117 Residents on 8 Nov
There are 3 IDP cluster meetings for residents in Region B:
Wards 117, 90, 87, 88 and 86 will be held at Marks Park at 6pm on Wed 8 Nov.
Wards 98, 99, 102 and 104 are at Blairgowrie Rec at 6pm on 16 Nov
Wards 68, 69 and 82 are at Westbury Rec at 6pm on 7 Nov
The Northcliff and Melville Times wrote the following article on the IDP:
The City of Johannesburg will go to communities with its budget, showing residents how much money is allocated for their neighbourhoods.
The City said this would happen through the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) feedback sessions.
The Speaker of Council, Vasco da Gama, said the City wants to go back to communities to give them the first-hand information on what is contained in the budget.
“We want the councillors to be fully informed regarding how much money each ward is getting from the budget. The process will also ensure that the Mayor and his MMCs are able to go back to communities to account on how much is allocated per ward,” he said.
In May, the council approved its R55,9 billion budget for the 2017/18 financial year. The current budget was informed by the 2017/2018 IDP review, in which the new administration outlined its plans for the next five years in office.
The IDP is known as the social contract between the people and the City. It’s an approach to planning that involves the entire municipality and its citizens in finding the best solutions to achieve good long-term development.
Vasco da Gama said the City hopes, through the feedback sessions, communities will be well-informed, understand the budget in details, see which programmes and projects are budgeted for and what couldn’t be covered in the current budget.
Through these sessions, the goals the City has set for itself and the problems the City faces will also be made clear.
“The City wants to talk to communities regarding issues that are close to their heart, be it the parks, soccer pitches, tennis courts and any issues affecting that particular community.
“We want to consult and work together with communities when implementing this budget, whether they be residents or business stakeholders.”
Da Gama said that ultimately, these sessions aim to get communities fully involved.
Boom Policy Review Meeting on 7 Nov at 6pm at Civic Centre
In 2014 the current Boom Policy (AKA Security Access Restrictions Policy) was adopted. Since then several issues have been raised by residents with regard to this policy and the way the city applies the process. Several changes have been suggested and the City would like to submit to the public for comment.
The doc is available here (I think the bold sections are the new changes). You need to submit comments by 20 Nov 2017 to Wendy Mashitiso on
It will be held on Tuesday 7 Nov at 6pm in the Reception Room, Ground Floor, Chamber Wing, Metro Centre Building, 158 Civic Boulevard, Braamfontein.
Bird Flu in Joburg
Have you noticed a lot of dead birds in the parks and streets at the moment? They are probably there because of Bird Flu. It is highly contagious between bird species, but not for non-avian species.
If you have parrots, budgies, chickens etc at home, then please be very careful when you and your dogs venture into parks. You may be bringing back the virus to your home. It is very virulent and may well infect and kill your birds at home.
The Sowetan published a useful article on Five things to know about the Joburg bird flu outbreak. The 1st two are …
- It is not a human health problem but an animal one
According to the interim CEO of the South African Poultry Association‚ the outbreak only affects birds and not the health of human beings.
“It would be misleading and could have a negative impact on the industry if we cause a scare. It’s important for people to know that this does not affect their health but that of birds — wild birds in this case. This is not a crisis but just another outbreak. We are treating it on a cautionary level‚” Charlotte Nkuna said.
Senior agricultural economist at Absa Wessel Lemmer said that consumers should not be worried about this outbreak.
“Consumers are concerned but it is important to know that this strain does not affect human beings. Poultry producers are vigilant and monitor poultry breading‚ rearing‚ broiler production and egg-laying units closely.
“Note that our poultry producers in South Africa already took on additional biosecurity measures to protect the future production of broilers and eggs. It is also comforting to know that South Africa’s veterinary sector rates among the best in the world. ” said Lemmer.
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JPCZ) echoed Nkuna and Lemmer by saying the H5N8 strain prevalent in Johannesburg is not contagious to human beings.
- All birds are susceptible to the infection
City Parks spokesperson Jenny Moodley says that all birds are in danger of contracting the flu.
“We picked it up from two blue crane birds that we found dead at one of the affected areas. One bird was 18 and the other 27 years old. We then did tests and they came positive. This was in August. Since then we started getting reports that the Westdene dam had affected carcasses. All birds are prone to getting the infection.
“We appeal with pet owners to keep their birds enclosed. They need to monitor the animals and ensure that they are not in contact with other birds from outside because you will never know which one is affected. Also‚ sometimes you find that one of the birds is infected and this might easily spread to the others. At the moment we have not yet culled any wild or domestic birds‚” Moodley said.
Symptoms in birds include a combination of respiratory problems‚ or diarrhoea followed by rapid death. All dead birds are being incinerated and are being handled as per strict health and safety regulations.
Join The DA
If you want to join the DA, it costs R10 a year, or, I would recommend you take out a 5 year membership of R50. Please contact my Branch Membership Secretary – Teigue Payne on 082-892-2218 / He will send the address where you can sign up and pay online. You can be from anywhere in Joburg as you will be allocated by Head Office to the Branch in your respective ward.
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