
Verity Park

Joburg City Parks made resources available early in the new year, and upgraded the toilets in the park. This entailed replacing ceilings, waterproofing the roof, clearing gutters and resolving a sewerage blockage. In addition, the facility was painted, and a concrete walkway was built from the parking area. During the week of 21st February, all the playground equipment, plus the benches and dustbins were given a coat of bright red, yellow, blue and green paint. Gratitude is extended to JCPZ for their continued support.

As always, a plea to park users: By not cleaning up after your dog, you are making the park an unpleasant place for others. Please be considerate and stay with your dog, cleaning up any deposit along the way.

If you would like to contribute to the fund that pays for the cleaning of the park, and the bags, please use the following information:

  • Verity Park User Group
  • Nedbank Greenside
  • Account number 1003267173
  • Branch codeĀ  198765






