Land Use Scheme Public Meeting Dates

Aug 23, 2019 | Ward update

Public Meeting in Region B is on Thurs 5 September fm 6-9pm at Marks Park, Emmarentia


The Land Use Development Management (LUDM) Directorate, within Development Planning will be conduct public meetings on the City of Johannesburg Land Use Scheme (LUS).

Implemented in February 2019, the LUS is a reference book that prescribes the extent to which properties can be developed, and stipulates processes regarding the use of properties in the City.

The LUS was drafted in terms of the provisions of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) 16 of 2013, the regulations made in terms thereof, and the subsequent City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-law, 2016.

According to the Act, each local authority is required to adopt and approve a single land use scheme that regulates all areas within its jurisdiction.

Prior to the adoption of the new scheme, Johannesburg had 16 different town planning schemes, adopted in terms of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance Acts of 1965 and 1985. These historic schemes were, however, created inconsistent rules for land development based on location.

Through its various engagements with residents, the Department has identified a need for members of the public to increase their awareness on land use regulations to promote compliance with the law.

Accordingly, the LUS is an important tool that serves as the basis for zoning law enforcement in the City.

The LUDM Directorate, in partnership with the Building Development Management Directorate, Planning Law Enforcement Unit, Environmental Health and Emergency Medical Services, will host a series of public meetings across the city, in an effort to familiarise residents and other stakeholders with the Land Use Scheme.

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Development Planning, Cllr Reuben Masango appealed to residents to attend and take part in the public meetings, as the LUS affects daily activities carried out on all properties in Johannesburg.

“We have noted with great concern issues that have stemmed from communities, due to the lack of information around land use regulations in the City. This has led to a high number of non-compliance cases amongst our residents.

“The contravention of City By-Laws, particularly in the built environment, contribute to the derelict of buildings and the general deterioration that we have witnessed across Johannesburg over the years.

“The need for compliance is high up on the Department’s list of priorities, as it ensures the safety of people who immediately occupy these buildings. We, therefore, urge all residents to use this opportunity to engage with our officials and empower themselves with information related to their properties,” MMC Masango said.